Lebanon, TN Maternity Session {Staci and Tyler}

My good friends Staci and Tyler didn't know the sex of their baby when we took these pictures. Little Linden is here, though, and it's a boy!...newborn pictures to be blogged at a later date. I have the privilege of taking those tomorrow! *squeal* baby boy pregnancy


etheral maternity picture

glowing pregnant woman

hands on pregnant belly

happy pregnant couple

happy pregnant mother and father

happy pregnant mother

husband and wife kissing

kissing pregnant couple

laughing pregnant couple

loving pregnant couple

loving pregnant mother and father

loving pregnant mother

mom and dad talking

mom leaning on dad

pregnant belly and boots

pregnant belly

pregnant couple back to back

pregnant couple conversing

pregnant couple gazing at each other

pregnant couple gazing

pregnant couple in grass

pregnant couple kissing

pregnant couple leaning foreheads together

pregnant couple sitting in field

pregnant couple

pregnant mom in chair

pregnant mom looking up

pregnant mother laying in grass

pregnant mother sitting in field

pregnant woman looking down

pretty pregnant woman

sitting pregnant woman

smiling dad

smiling pregnant woman

sunlight shining on pregnant couple

sweet belly

sweet pregnancy

talking pregnant couple

talking to belly
