Wilson Co. Fair Mini Sessions

I love the way these sessions turn out.  $50 session fee gets you a 20 minute session (for up to 3 people. $7 per extra) with an online gallery AND a free 5×7. *There is $75 minimum order in addition to that, but I have discounted the products big time!For a price list and the address contact me through fb, call, or email. Can’t wait to see you there! (The fair is from Aug. 16th-22nd this year.) 943-8828 cgraviss68@bellsouth.net or through my website: http://www.heathergravissphotography.com

Here are some from last year, and a few from the year before…

IMG_6660 (1)IMG_2208IMG_6923IMG_6913IMG_6900IMG_6885IMG_6754 (1)IMG_6732 (1)IMG_6715 (1)IMG_6681 (1)IMG_6655 (1)IMG_6649 (1)IMG_6615IMG_6604IMG_6553IMG_3159IMG_3136IMG_3113IMG_3108IMG_3080IMG_3067IMG_3061IMG_3052IMG_3050IMG_2932IMG_2910IMG_2909IMG_2900IMG_2894IMG_2865IMG_2828IMG_2825IMG_2819IMG_2798IMG_2791IMG_2736 (1)IMG_2626IMG_2610IMG_2607IMG_2570IMG_2433IMG_2364IMG_2242IMG_2228IMG_2223